Winston-Salem, North Carolina
EAST MEETS WEST DOWN SOUTH. Lockenlode Cash is in a show-down with “the Yankee Invader” – Littlefields Milkman and “that Outlaw” – Sow’s Ear Grumpy George. It’s evenly matched! The Boys are BAER, CERF and PLL normal. Each has sired champions in the showring, and workers in the field. Their willing demeanors are passed on to generations of Lockenlode offspring.
LOCKENLODE CASH, 14½”, White, Smooth
(Maypole Tatler x Lockenlode Bargen)
(Co-owned with Tom Kriley)
LITTLEFIELDS MILKMAN, 14″, Tricolor, Rough
(Little Eden Strut x Maypole Pip)
SOW’S EAR GRUMPY GEORGE, 12″, White, Rough
(The Hollow AfterMax x Sow’s Ear White Riot)
(Co-owned with Shelley Taylor)
For your consideration – we thank you.
Y’all Welcome!

Contact Information
Susan Broadhurst
4335 Sabrina Lake Road • Winston-Salem, NC 27127
(336) 788-2750 • Email: